A visit of Mr. Gibson Kendis, anchor on ABC News Channel, to Tropicana – Paradise Beach – Mykonos.

Mr. Gibson Kendis, the anchor of “America This Morning” and “World News Now” on ABC News channel, visited the Tropicana Beach Club – Restaurant at Paradise beach, which has been designated as the first hottest beach club in the world.

Mr. Kendis was delighted by the environment of Tropicana and took a picture with the DJ Resident of the place, Lefteris Assimomitis (DJ Terry) as well as Kostas Skagias, the Ambassador of Interconnections of the Hellenic American Chamber of Tourism and the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce for the Aegean Islands, based on Mykonos.

Μykonos based Office of Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce for Aegean Islands.


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